How to Build Massive Legs: The Top Tricks

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Learning how to build massive legs is essential to perfecting your entire physique. It may seem simple enough to work on your torso and arms, but your legs are just as important. For people who have been focusing the majority of their time working on their upper body, it’s time to consider using these top tricks to build massive legs that you can be proud of.

The following exercises will help you build a more proportional body and help you toward your muscle-building goals.

How to Build Massive Legs

Here are some of the best tricks in order for you to build massive legs safely and effectively:

Tip #1: Do High Volume Workouts

When you begin working on your legs, you’re going to want to make sure you’re lifting enough weight and dealing with enough volume to make a difference. Not only should you be focusing on the amount of weight you’re lifting, but how many times you’re lifting the weight. Simply doing five sets of squats isn’t going to make much of a difference.

The muscles in your legs require a lot of sets to exhaust their endurance and improve their overall capacity. With that said, you’ll want to consider doubling your current sets, without injury, to see more progress.

Tip #2: Workout at a Gym

The next tip we have is to take advantage of a gym if you have one close to you. Not only will you be immersed in an environment that will motivate you to push yourself further, but you’ll also have access to more equipment. Over time, your body is going to adapt to your regular workout routine.

Instead of continually following the same steps and doing the same exercises, a better idea is to head to a gym where you can get insight into new exercises to work on your different muscle groups. By alternating different exercises available for you to do at your local gym for up to eight weeks, you’ll begin to see noticeable differences.

Tip #3: Prepare for a Mental Workout

If you train regularly, you likely already know that your progress is more of a mental task than a physical one. There will be days when you don’t feel like working out or you might feel like a failure for not completing a certain set. Muscle fatigue is a common thing and you should be able to come to the fact that your leg workouts are going to be brutal.

Learning how to build massive legs is more than a traditional workout where you start to notice your weak points. The goal is to push yourself past the weakness so that you can bulk up, which can take a toll on your mental strength. This is why it’s highly recommended you consider training with a friend or a personal trainer who will keep you motivated.

Tip #4: Create Workout Challenges

This is something that plenty of people do when they’re trying to lose weight as well, as challenges help to hold you accountable. Find a friend, a family member, or a trainer who is interested in building stronger legs much like you. Challenge each other to complete a certain amount of sets per week or see who is able to safely get to a certain weight and volume first.

Simply because challenging someone else is fun, you might even realize that it takes a little bit of the edge off of heavy-duty and high-intensity workouts. Eventually, you’ll find that you’ll start to enjoy it.

Tip #5: Consider Supplements

The human body is relatively sufficient in producing the correct nutrients it needs to build muscle mass, but there are plenty of times when you’re going to want to consider supplements. Pre- and post-workout drinks are just two examples; there are also oral vitamins you can take to boost your energy and help you power through your workout.

With that said, it’s highly recommended that you avoid steroids and artificial supplements. It’s best if you stick to natural formulas specifically designed to give you the strength and power you need.

The best supplements on the market have things such as creatine, BCAAs, and L-Glutamine. When combined, these ingredients will not only help you bulk but also help to lessen your recovery time.

The Best Exercises for Massive Legs

Now that you are aware of the best tips you can use to begin your journey towards massive legs, it’s also important to know what exercises to try. Some of these can be done at home, though it’s highly recommended you do them in a gym to keep you motivated.

1. High and Low Bar Squats

Squats are by far the most challenging leg movement you can do when you have a sufficient load. They work towards building all aspects of your lower body, including your glutes, and also assist with a boost in hormone production. Both high and low bar squats are recommended, though most bodybuilders rely on high bar squats and powerlifters prefer low bar squats.

2. Front Squats

Ideal for focusing primarily on your quads rather than your glutes, front squats are a better alternative. With this exercise, you’re basically moving the bar from the back to the front of your body and adjusting the load accordingly. With every movement, you’ll be focusing most of the weight on your quads, instead of your hamstrings.

3. Sumo Deadlift

With sumo deadlifts, you’re going to be focusing on your quads as well by using an excessive amount of weight. When done safely and correctly, you’re going to see a substantial improvement in your legs as well as other areas of your lower body, such as your hamstrings and glutes. As this exercise is quite similar to squats, you’re likely to experience a boost in hormone production as well.

4. Dumbbell Lunge

As one of the more common exercises on this list, dumbbell lunges are far more difficult than you would think. As this requires strength from many of your joints, such as your hips and knees, you’ll find that it activates your glutes and thighs as well. Depending on your preferences, you can do this exercise standing in one place or by moving backward and forward.

Final Thoughts

By focusing the majority of your training on your lower body, you’ll easily be able to build massive legs in far less time. Although it will seem very difficult to master at first, over time, you’ll make substantial progress and be able to work all areas of your lower body.